Friday, October 29, 2010

A rant on vampires and moms

To fellow Moms:

What is the deal with the "Twilight" series?
Seriously, why is this all you talk about? Why does it seem like this is all you read?
How can a series about vampires really be this interesting? How are you finding the time as a mom, to read something so ridiculous? Why are you MAKING time to read something so ridiculous?
Are you really this bored? Is there really nothing else more interesting to read/do?
This is mortifying that people now associate moms with reading and watching Twilight.
Who the hell cares about which vampires will fall in love next?
Stop talking about it on Facebook.
I definitely have my guilty pleasures too, but you wont find me in a deep discussion about them, and saying how it was so intense that i started sobbing and couldnt go on! Give me a break. Besides, a Tori and Dean episode would never get that intense....hahahaha.
How about we try harder not to make ourselves look like complete brainless morons, for the sake of eachother? And you wonder why stay at home moms(even working moms!) get a bad name for themselves?
Are you seriously still wondering why?

ps. While searching for this pic, a handful of mom blogs popped up
on my google search. No joke.


Anonymous said...

are you serious? another rant about how much better you are than other moms. good representation of the love of Jesus Christ

Tiff said...

Are you serious? You still read my blog? Get a life PLEASE. Or at least stop hiding behind "anonymous" next time you slam me.
