Monday, October 8, 2007

City Impact San Francisco

  1. The Tenderloin covers 35 inner-city blocks
  2. The Tenderloin is 300 times more crowded than the rest of San Francisco .

  3. According to the 2000 census, 24,169 people live in the Tenderloin. But this is probably a conservative figure, based on a margin of error in the census for S.F. of at least 5%. Most likely, the number of people in the Tenderloin is about 30,000.
  4. The Tenderloin has:
    44%- White
    33%- Asian or Pacific Islanders
    11%- African Americans
    11%- Hispanic
    1%- Native American
  5. There are 586 apartment buildings in the Tenderloin (and only 1 small house).
  6. The children in the Tenderloin consist of:
    67%- Asian or Southeast Asian
    12%- White
    11%- African American
    5%- Hispanic
    5%- Native American/Mixed/Other
  7. There are approximately 4,000 children in the Tenderloin:
    41%- are infants to 4 yrs. old (1,640)
    28%- are 5-9 yrs. old (1,120)
    22%- are 9-12 yrs. old (880)
    9%- are 13-17 yrs. old (360)
  8. There is only one Private Christian School in the Tenderloin. ( S.F. Christian Academy )
  9. There are about 10,000 homeless that pass through or stay in the Tenderloin each day.
  10. There are only 450 shelter beds within the Tenderloin.
  11. 90% of the Tenderloin Residents live on fixed income.
  12. The Tenderloin has the highest crime rate of any area of San Francisco .
    The yearly crime rate has an average 2 crimes per resident, and 3 major crimes per hour.

    Business in the Tenderloin consist of:
    1) 130 vacant
    2) 111 restaurants
    3) 76 cafes
    4) 66 liquor store
    5) 38 non-profit organizations
    6) 33 bars
    7) 14 porno shops
    8) 11 Performing Arts Theaters
    9) 2 Check Cashing Places
    10) 1 pool hall

A wonderful ministry in San Francisco is in need of some major items in order to keep running efficiently. God is doing amazing things in the lives of people in the Tenderloin through the staff of "City Impact". Please visit their site and take a moment to look over their "top needs" list.
A ministry takes two kinds of people; Those that can physically be there and those that can financially be involved.

Here is their link

If you have any questions please contact me!


The G Fam said...

Glad to see that you broke down and started a blog. I have been the laziest blogger ever! The ministry you posted about seems really great. I guess this is the one that our family likes to help with?

Anonymous said...

Tiff ur back in blogging!!!! i'm like staying up late doing a paper and got severely distracted, which brings me to your blog. Keep blogging!!


Anonymous said...


I am in the process of working on a thesis design project located in the tenderloin. I was wondering where you got your demographic information from?