Monday, April 25, 2011


The three of us had a very fun Easter at home.
A friend of mine calls Easter the "yearly pilgrimage". Meaning, its the one Sunday out of the whole year that people feel the need to step into a church. Knowing that i havent been able to go to church lately, and knowing that Robert was off work for Easter, i realized that it would be possibly to finally get to church if we wanted to. But then the words of my friend came into my head. I realized that if we went to church, we would actually be a part of the pilgrimage since we havent been to church for quite some time. We totally qualify to be in this category this year. So....I then heard the words of my mother from when i was a kid, "we are not going to church for Easter so that there will be extra seats available to people who havent been all year". Hmmmm.
After thinking about how miserable Forest would be in the chaotic and crowded Sunday school,
i was convinced to stay home. We even decided against inviting people over.
So it was declared a family day in our home!
And this is how it went......

Forest and I made cinnamon rolls in the morning.
He was a great helper

But he was very mad when they had to go into the oven.
He checked their progress every couple of minutes.
And finally, sobbing, climbed into his highchair and put on his bib,
and proceeded to wait.
Finally, they were done baking!
He helped with the frosting.

Already starting the sugar high
"back away from my cinnamon roll"

Our Easter breakfast
Spying on Dad while he hides the eggs

His fist Easter egg hunt!

He knew exactly what to do

"Did i find them all?"

The eggs were filled with mini frogs, stickers, and fruit snacks.
And due to the sugary cinnamon rolls followed by fruit snacks, he had a complete
emotional melt down 15 min after the hunt and went to bed for 3 hours!
I spent the afternoon baking a carrot cake.
Forest helped me frost it after his nap

He thought he was so cool helping
After a while he realized he could eat the frosting
(quite the sugary day)

The finished cake!
The 3 of us took some of the cake over to our friends and then came home to have a dinner prepared by Robert. We had a great day together. We missed being with some of our family that we knew were gathering together for the day, but we were so glad to spend the day doing the beginnings of our own family traditions.

The morning after.....all stickers that were once in the eggs, are now on our glass door.

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